
Charting the Course to High Team Performance: Insights from a Groundbreaking Study

⭐︎ Ever wondered what separates the average teams from the star performers? A fascinating new study has shed light on this very question, and the findings are not what you might think! ⭐︎

The research, published in the Organisation Science journal, challenges the conventional wisdom that team performance is like a bell curve, with most teams being average and only a few being very good or very poor. 📈📉

Instead, it reveals that high-performing “star teams” are far more prevalent than we’d typically predict.

So, what’s the secret sauce that propels these teams into the stratosphere?

The authors identify three key factors that contribute to this phenomenon:

► Incremental Differentiation:

This is akin to a runner training for a marathon, gradually increasing their speed and endurance over time. For teams, it means fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Every small step forward, every lesson learned and applied, helps the team improve, leaving others trailing behind.

► Authority Differentiation:

Teams where decision-making is shared evenly tend to perform better. Imagine a ship where not just the captain, but the entire crew knows how to navigate – it’s far more likely to stay on course.

► Temporal Stability:

Teams that keep a consistent line-up over time tend to have better performance. It’s like a well-rehearsed orchestra, where each musician knows their part and how they fit into the whole. Constantly changing the musicians disrupts the harmony and flow.

These findings are exciting because they provide a roadmap for average teams to become star performers. By focusing on small, continuous improvements, sharing decision-making, and maintaining a stable team, any leader can set their team on a path to success.

So, next time you’re looking to boost your team’s performance, remember these three factors:

It's not about being the best right out of the gate, but about improving step by step, sharing the leadership, and keeping the team together. Click To Tweet

That’s how average teams can become shooting stars, lighting up the performance sky!

For more details, you can read the full paper here: