The Motivation Equation and Self-Belief (part 1 of a series)
How to define the outcome and establish your evidence in order to get more Self-Belief and better Motivation at work
I’ve written before about The Motivation Equation and how leaders can use it to motivate themselves and others to get great results and feel good about their work.
In that original article, I said that motivation is like a chain. Our overall willingness to get stuff done and our overall feelings about our ability to achieve things are only as strong as the weakest link in that chain. In other words, in order to spur ourselves and others into action and to feel good about the ambition behind it, we first need to make sure that each of the components of the Motivation Equation as strong as possible.
Here’s the overall equation: The Motivation Equation: Motivation = Self-Belief x Task-Relevance x Outcome Value Share on X
We can think of each of the links as a kind of question or judgement that people make about themselves and their situation. For example, in the Task-Relevance link, people might ask themselves: “If I do this task well, will it lead to the outcome that’s required?“
This series of articles will take that much further and deeper, in a bite-size way, by looking at each of the links in turn, starting with Self-Belief.
Healthy Self-Belief – Steps 1 and 2
If you want to motivate yourself or someone else to have more self-belief – either as a way to increase motivation, or just because the right amount of self-belief is usually a good thing – you’ll find the first of my seven essential steps to healthy self-belief set out below.
In terms of our overall Motivation Equation, the question that people ask themselves or the judgement that they’ll be making about themselves or their situation for the Self-Belief link in the chain, is this:
Self-Belief is about asking ourselves, 'Can I do this task well?' Share on XOne thing that’s really worth emphasising at the outset is that self-belief is highly-contextual. That is, it depends on what we’re doing, where we’re trying to do it and what our situation is at the time. This is one of the reasons why self-belief can vary so much over time. It’s also why my first essential step is about getting really clear about that context:
1. Define the Outcome
What exactly is it that you’re trying to do?
You might be surprised at the number of people I coach who’re not feeling good about their self-belief precisely because they haven’t been clear enough about what, specifically, it is that they’re trying to achieve.
I think that this is partly a kind of defence mechanism – if we’ve been vague about what we’re trying to get done, then we can be similarly vague about whether or not we actually succeed. But that kind of hedging your bets, not being clear about the outcome you want, or avoiding getting too specific makes it much more likely that your motivation will be similarly ill-defined.
So don’t be vague, get clear about the outcome you want to achieve. What exactly is it that you’re trying to do?
For most people, it can also really help to then consider step 2:
2. Establish your Evidence
How will you know when you’ve done it well?
Again, this is such a simple step, but one that can often get overlooked. It’s also one of the reasons why I encourage people to celebrate and mark the occasion when they’ve achieved something significant. By looking back at it in this way, people get used to evaluating things in a much more rounded way, including the emotions involved in that accomplishment as well as the hard data.
I think also, that one of the reasons why we might avoid doing that kind of post-achievement reflection is because things rarely go as well as our secret desires had hoped for. There’s usually some wrinkle, or some aspect that wasn’t as perfect as we might have hoped.
So don’t wait until afterwards to set-up those measures. Have them be transparent right from the outset. Ask yourself these questions:
- How will I know when I’ve done this task as well as I’d like to?
- What will I see, hear and feel that will tell me I’ve achieved it as I’d like to?
And remember to reflect on and celebrate those things afterwards too!
In summary:
The first two steps towards healthy self-belief are: 1. Define the Outcome and 2. Establish your Evidence. Share on XIn the next article, I’ll continue with the Self-Belief link in the motivational chain and will look at:
- Enabling Beliefs – what we believe enables us to do something well
- Reason Beliefs – what we believe is the reason for being able to do something well.
I hope that’s been helpful in some way and that this bite-size approach works for you. Please look out for the forthcoming articles in this series. As they’re published, I’ll hyperlink them here.
As usual, please leave me a comment if they’re still open below, or tweet me @NickRobCoach. Tell me about your own experience of motivation and self-belief, either as a leader working with other people, or for you personally?